
My services include executive coaching, corporate training, career coaching, and assessment administration/debrief. For inquiries and to schedule a free consultation, please contact me here.

Executive Coaching

Hard work and technical expertise will only get you so far. To achieve the level of success you aspire to, you must be willing do three things: adopt a growth mindset (be willing to change!), learn new things about yourself (be open to feedback!), and commit to developing new skills (practice new behaviors!). Everyone needs a champion, and I will be yours.

Corporate Training

Investing in your people is critical to your organization’s success. We will collaborate to identify the right training strategy for your organization. Leadership training may encompass areas such as emotional intelligence, coaching, communication, executive presence, decision making, new role transitions, career trajectory, strategic leadership, and more.


  • Emotional Intelligence Workshop: This workshop will introduce the concept of emotional intelligence and relate it directly to the participants’ work and personal life. Each participant will take the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) assessment. The results of the assessment will be shared with participants in class, and each participant will be able to understand and validate their own results. Participants and will learn how to leverage their EI strengths and identify and manage their areas of opportunity, and will create their own personalized developmental action plans. EQ360 (a personalized 360 Assessment Report) is also available.
  • Myers Briggs Workshop: This half-day workshop will explain the interpretations of each participant’s personality type after they have taken the Myers Briggs assessment. These concepts are useful when leaders who need to develop and understand communication skills by understanding their own personality type and how it might impact those they work with. The Myers Briggs Type II Assessment provides a logical framework for learning how to resolve conflict and to motivate others by understanding one’s own personality type and that of others.

Career Coaching

Ready to take the next step in your career? There’s a lot to consider before applying to a new job. Questions you should be asking yourself include: Is my resume ready? Do I know what the elements of well written cover letter are? Am I utilizing LinkedIn effectively? Who have I talked to about my transition? Work with me to make sure you’ve got your basics covered.


  • Career Essentials: A one month one-on-one coaching program for leaders at all levels of the organization. We focus on updating and refining the content/style of your resume, writing a powerful cover letter, and creating a LinkedIn profile that makes a strong impression. This program includes three individual coaching sessions and unlimited email support.


Assessments are useful tools for understanding ourselves and our relationship to the world around us. These may be administered in individual coaching sessions as well as group training sessions.


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